The Tapping into Blog
Your subconscious mind operates at 95% operating power while the conscious mind runs at 5%. The subconscious mind does what it’s told and ‘acts out’ what the conscious mind tells it to do. It has no free will. It does as it is told. The subconscious mind also develops its own...
How is your anxiety right now? I bet with the current news, as at 12th March, with the Coronavirus just classified as a pandemic, your anxiety levels are not doing so great.
I wanted to share with you some thoughts on how you can use Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique to reduce your anxiety...
The build up to Christmas can be so stressful and overwhelming, with so much to do and organise. The day it self can be full of fear of disappointment and the expectation of perfection to create the most magical day for your family.
This Tapping/ Emotional Freedom Technique Meditation is...
Christmas Day 2014 was Alice’s first month’s anniversary. So not only was it her first month anniversary, it was Christmas Day too. Despite Dave and close family really trying to support me through it, it honestly was a really awful day. We had just had two weeks in Thailand, a pure...
I’ve been in contact with Reka @fitmumsbible for a the best part of a year. Her friend, who had come to see me for a Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique session had introduced us. Reka is planning on having an alcohol-free year in 2020 and wanted some help with Tapping. She had very...
Today Alice is FIVE. And it feels like a little milestone somehow, like 5, 10, 15 would be somehow important. It feels like such a short time ago and feels like a lifetime ago since she was born. Soooooo much has happened in those five years and mostly really great things to be honest. I...
Before I start, please note these tips are just from my experience, and not exhaustive. I’m still learning!! I’ve not done any specific training in this area yet and would love to hear your feedback and tips so we can learn this together. (If you’re new to Tapping/Emotional...
How often do we hold ourselves to the highest bar there is? How often do we feel guilt when we don't achieve it? Inspired by Sharon King who trained me in Matrix Birth Reimprinting, she used this phrase at the very beginning of our course. We hold ourselves to such a high level of expectation and...
I learnt something this week:
"We will continue to learn the hard lessons until we truly forgive and heal,
Gabby Bernstein
've seen it in my own life and around me in the lives of friends. It's like a cycle of doom that we can't get out of, no matter what, we struggle. Bad or hard things keep...
A year ago I completed my Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT /Tapping) & Matrix Reimprinting training and last September I did a course specifically on Birth Matrix Reimprinting to help mums recover from the negative birth experiences they’ve had, any PND, PTSD, and any birth related...
I’m preparing for my next Tapping Circle on Self-Love & Body Confidence and I feel compelled to share how I believe Judgement & Fear are what’s holding us back from truly loving ourselves, and feeling completely body confident.
On holiday last week, at the end of a week of...
I wrote a blog about Finding Happiness Again after the loss of our daughter Alice.
Huge thank you to Clemmie Telford for publishing this for me. I’ve had really lovely feedback and know it has given hope to a few people.
Check it out on Clemmie’s blog