The Tapping into Blog
A client of mine recently asked me, 'What is letting go?' and I've thought about it ever since. This is certainly a tricky question, and I am no philosopher. For me personally, letting go is the acceptance that something hard/awful/tragic happened, acknowledgement of how it made/makes me...
How is your anxiety right now? I bet with the current news, as at 12th March, with the Coronavirus just classified as a pandemic, your anxiety levels are not doing so great.
I wanted to share with you some thoughts on how you can use Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique to reduce your anxiety...
How often do we hold ourselves to the highest bar there is? How often do we feel guilt when we don't achieve it? Inspired by Sharon King who trained me in Matrix Birth Reimprinting, she used this phrase at the very beginning of our course. We hold ourselves to such a high level of expectation and...